The Table

The Table, located on the upper level of the Compassionate Ministries Center, features space displaying artisan products made by our David’s Promise participants, as well as a coffee bar.
The Table’s coffee bar allows David’s Promise participants to serve as baristas, making your favorite expresso drink, servers, and as part of the clean-up crew. The coffee bar, which is open to the public, is designed to assist our David’s Promise participants in developing volunteer and job readiness skills. The Table is a great location for David’s Promise participants, organizations, agencies, businesses, and individuals to gather together and build community!
The Table is also available to individuals seeking space for baby/wedding showers, graduation parties and so forth for a rental fee. The best part, is that funds from renting this space go towards our cause! Please call 782-7084 for more information on renting The Table.
The Storehouse
The Storehouse is our 4,000 square foot facility and the hub of our food ministries. It includes a 10 x 20 walk in freezer and 10 x 20 walk in cooler. The Storehouse provides ample storage, and space for volunteers to fill backpacks with food, prep resources for our community pantries, and more. Since opening in March 2020, we’ve distributed 2.3 million pounds of food to those in need throughout our community.

The Community Garden

Our community garden consists of a green house, 22 raised beds and a produce stand. The produce grown in and harvested from our raised beds, benefits families who visit our community food pantries. The community garden also serves as a vocational and recreational site for skill development for our adult participants at David’s Promise. Additionally, our produce stand vends locally grown produce from our garden as well as other produce donated by local gardeners. The produce is free of charge and available to community members.
Blessing Barn

During each summer harvest, CMJC's Blessing Barn provides fresh produce grown from our community garden to anyone in need. Simply stop by and take what you need. There is no charge for the produce. Additionally, we invite local residents to drop off any extra homegrown produce they have as well. Whether you have extra and want to share or you have a need, all are invited to The Blessing Barn! This is a great way to build the community and be the change!
Promise Path
The Promise Path is a barrier free walkway that travels through a mostly wooded area on the CMJC campus. It provides a safe and easily accessible place for our David’s Promise participants and their families a place to walk and enjoy the outdoors together.