Our Mission
Compassionate Ministries of Jackson County is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, dedicated to creating lasting solutions for building a stronger community.

By being a catalyst for change, we pursue a collaborative community effort focused on transforming lives. By partnering with families, churches, schools, organizations and businesses, we empower them to build community with those that are served.

Statement of Faith
CMJC is a faith-based organization following the principles and teachings of Jesus. We are called to love and compassionately serve all people in our community.
Faith, empowerment, transformation, diversity, sustainability, dignity and respect.

Our Story
Each fall in the late 1980’s, volunteers from First Church of the Nazarene in Jackson, would come together to sell homemade baked items and crafts at the Westwood Mall. The funds that were raised were used to assist church attendees.
That passion to serve those in the church grew to reaching out to those in need in the community. Volunteers began serving at the Interfaith Shelter, hosting a community-wide Thanksgiving Day dinner and changing the oil in cars for single moms. And in August of 2003, our food pantry opened.
The number of ministries and the people being served continued to grow. Because of the growth and passion to serve all of Jackson County as well as our goal to collaborate with others in the community, Compassionate Ministries of Jackson County was established in 2012, becoming a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization. Today, CMJC continues to build community, partnering with churches, schools, organizations, businesses and community members through its Food, Community Transformation and Special Needs ministries.
We recognize that change needs to occur if we want a healthy Jackson. We want to be characterized by our actions, showing compassion and a caring heart to those we serve. We believe that community transformation occurs when we share the love and hope of God.
Meet Our Board of Directors
CMJC’s Board of Directors and staff represents a group of people dedicated to transforming our community through the building of relationships with ministry supporters, neighbors, program participants, volunteers and partner organizations. In the eight years as an organization, we have made remarkable progress in our vision to transform lives in our community. We have been intentional about developing a diverse leadership team, each with different gifts and talents, each wanting to share the love and hope of God to our community.
Scott Buchler
Northwest High School, Principal

Joe Lathrop
Flagstar Bank,
Senior Vice President

Jeff Tolonen
Consumers Energy

Jim Johnson
Johnson Sign Company, Vice President/Director of Sales

Wendy Valentine
The Beacon Church, Lead Pastor

Tony Curtis
The Cardinal Group, Chief Financial Officer

Terry Williams
Compassionate Ministries of Jackson County

Bryce Gernand
JaxNaz Church, Lead Pastor

Michael Cain
Southside Church, Lead Pastor
Jane Schultz
JPS School Teacher, Retired
Meet Our Staff

Kathy Alexander
David's Promise Program Assistant
Peggy Swartzlander
David's Promise Program Assistant

Eric Colby
Facilities Manager

John Bucrek
Food Ministry Director

Lynne Williams
Assistant to the
Executive Director

Gary Swartzlander
David's Promise Program Director

Jamin Bradley
David's Promise Spiritual Care Director

Autumn Hays
David's Promise Activities Coordinator